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Shiji Group Professional Services teams, Marriott International successfully completed a full system migration of 167 former Starwood hotels in China in late December 2018.

‍The joint Shiji and Marriott team celebrate the success of system switch

The project was managed by Marriott in conjunction with Shiji teams using efficient project management methods and exclusive tools built to ensure the process happens smoothly. The migration of 167 hotels across China realized successful Opera system switch and connection with Central Reservation System to Marriott International Group standards.

The migration was completed from start to finish in three months and was started in September 2018. It is part of the global IT deployment plan of Marriott International Group. At its peak, Shiji Professional Services teams had nearly 100 engineers and staff working on the project, which ultimately led to one of the largest data migrations efforts at this scale. It is the largest of such project ever conducted in China. It was managed without disrupting any of the operations workflows in the hotels.

The efficient system migration was the result of a multi-party coordination between Shiji Group and Marriott China. Both teams worked together to plan out the migration in minute detail, including fall-back options and reducing system shutdown to a minimum. With 20 years of experience serving high-end hotels, Shiji also had an in-depth understanding of Marriott International Group’s operating standards to make the implementation a success. Martin Bookallil, Vice President of Information Technology for Marriott International Asia Pacific, expressed his appreciation and recognition to the Shiji systems operation team and partners.

"We are honored to take part in the successful transition of this landmark project. To provide customers with stable, professional, and effective technical services is our constant pursuit at Shiji,” said Kevin King, Chief Operating Officer of Shiji. "We will continue to serve the industry with excellent and efficient services globally, so hotel operations can more easily do their jobs in serving their guests."

About Shiji Group

Shiji Group is a multinational technology company that provides software solutions and services for enterprise companies in the hospitality, food service, retail, and entertainment industries, ranging from hospitality technology platforms, hotel management solutions, food and beverage, and retail systems, payment gateways, data management, online distribution and more. Founded in 1998 as a network solutions provider for hotels, Shiji Group today comprises over 5,000 employees in 80+ subsidiaries and brands in over 31 countries, serving more than 91,000 hotels, 200,000 restaurants, and 600,000 retail outlets.


Marriott and Shiji teams successfully completed the migration of 167 hotels across China from the Opera system and connected them to the Central Reservation System to Marriott International Group standards. The migration was completed in three months without disrupting hotel operations workflows and is part of Marriott's global IT deployment plan.

About the customer:

Marriott International Group is a multinational hospitality company that manages and franchises a broad portfolio of hotels and related lodging facilities. The company operates over 7,000 properties in 131 countries and territories.

Area of Operation:
Number of properties:
Number of rooms:
Solutions implemented:
Professional Services
Technology Consulting & Implementation.
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Marriott International
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Shiji Professional Services
Professional Services
Technology Consulting & Implementation.
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